“We love each other, because He first loved us” – 1 John 4:19
As we all celebrate a brand-new year at River of Life Mission, we are celebrating the power of Kingdom Culture in our Hubs. This story exemplifies our mission and the powerful change the Lord is bringing about through Hubs and praying that this culture grows even greater in 2024.
Recently at a Hub, a volunteer noticed a new face. Let’s call him Frank for privacy’s sake. As the volunteer walked towards the new guest, one of the Hub Spot’s regular attendees also noticed the new face. The Hub regular, let’s call him Bill, approached the new face, introduced himself and started to share the Gospel with Frank, and then Bill gave Frank a tour of the Hub Spot and all the social services available, all before the Hub volunteer could even introduce himself! At our Hubs, we regularly remind guests that the reason we love is because the love we have experienced through Jesus compels us to love others. And now, our guests, having experienced love from volunteers, are extending that love to other guests on the streets! We are witnessing in real time the culture changing in our homeless community through the spreading of the gospel and loving our neighbors. This culture leads to guests like Frank and Bill becoming regular attendees of the church that hosts their Hub Spot. They are now regularly engaged in a meaningful, Christ centered community. Praise God!
Last year, we grew from 16 Hub Spots to 79 Hub Spots that are extending a total of 301 ministry touchpoints per week. These numbers represent real lives touched and changed. That is 301 expressions of the love of Christ, extended to our guests. That is 301 opportunities to experience a life changing community that leads to being reconnected with family through a flight home, enrollment in a recovery program that will break the chains of addiction, employment opportunities that will end the cycle of chronic homelessness, and more.
This extended love is made possible through your continued and invaluable support. We prayerfully ask you to remain engaged partners through volunteering, donating, and praying for the mission into 2024. With your generous support we hope to build a more robust social service network that will double the amount of ministry touchpoints taking place each week, resulting in more transitions, more relationships with Jesus established, more lives impacted for eternity.
Thank you for being a part of our community. Your ongoing support and belief in our mission will make a differences every day. You are extending the love of Jesus to thousands of individuals in desperate need every week, and with your support, thousands more going into 2024.
God Bless!
Pastor Paul Gates Executive Director